Average Navy SEAL Height According 2025

Average Navy SEAL height is more than you think because the United States Navy SEALs are the toughest special force in the world.

The confusion about the average Navy SEAL height is not really new; we heard arguments about Navy SEAL height being long.

The toughest training for Navy SEALs required an extraordinary physique and mind, where a person’s height plays a big role.

So, here we are going to know the average Navy SEAL height, current Navy SEAL height requirements, the ideal height for a Navy SEAL, and more.

Average Navy SEAL Height

average navy seal height
Average Navy SEAL Height

As of 2025, the average Navy SEAL height is 5 ft. 11 in., or 180.34 cm., or 71″ inches. In previous years Navy SEAL average height was more than the current average height.

The average range of Navy SEAL height is between 5 ft. 8 in. or 70″ inches to  5 ft. 11 in. or 71″ inches.

Each year, the average Navy SEAL height changes, so you need to keep updated with the right information.

So, Navy SEAL’s average height is not going to be the same each year and all the time.

Height is important for a Navy SEAL to pass the BUD/S training because tall people can use extra force and strength. 

Contrary, short people can go through many tough BUD/S training sections so easily for less body weight and comfortable movement.

Therefore, if you are too short or too tall than the average Navy SEAL height, that would not be a problem because Navy SEAL training only requires physical thoroughness and mental thoroughness too.

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Navy SEAL Height Requirements

The United States Navy SEAL does not set any minimum or maximum standard for height, meaning people of any height can join the United States Navy SEAL Team.

Qualifications and requirements matter the most to becoming a U.S. Navy SEAL.

We often see the height of Navy SEALs on TV seem a little higher than ordinary people’s, but, in reality, it is different.

The average Navy SEAL height is not more than 5 feet 11 inches which are only 2 inches higher than the average height for men in the United States.

Also, still, most American men’s height is more than 5 feet 8 inches.

So, if you are 6 feet 7 inches or 5 feet 2 inches, you are eligible to join the United States Navy SEAL.

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What Is The Ideal Height For A Navy SEAL

what is the ideal height for a navy seal
What Is The Ideal Height For A Navy SEAL

5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 11 inches or 68 to 71 inches are the ideal height for a United States Navy SEAL.

As you already know, the United States Navy SEAL has no requirement for height, so people of any height can join.

Navy SEAL physical training is a major part of becoming a United States Navy SEAL.

But, the ideal height can always help anyone to go through the toughest Navy SEAL training.

People of height between 5 ft. 8 in. to 5 ft. 11 in. are not too tall and also not short.

A 68 to 71 inches tall person needs less energy to move their body compared to a 6 feet person, which is a huge advantage people can use to pass BUD/S Training and on missions.

Naturally, people over 6 feet can do fewer push-ups than average-height people because the higher your height, the more your weight will be.

But, too short people, with a height of less than 5 feet 6 inches, can have significantly less energy on their body, affecting performance during Navy SEAL rigorous training.

So, according to the strength of the body, 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 11 inches are the ideal height for a Navy SEAL.

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Who Is The Tallest Navy SEAL?

Marcus Luttrell is the tallest Navy SEAL alive. He is 1.96 meters or 6 feet 5 inches, which is higher than other Navy SEAL Team members.

Marcus Luttrell’s height in centimeters is 196, and his weight is 75 kg or 165 pounds. He is a former United States Navy SEAL.

Navy SEALs who are 6 feet 5 inches are much taller than average Navy SEALs members.

Marcus Luttrell is a retired United States Navy SEAL who also received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart award from the United States Department of the Army.

Other famous Navy SEALs members like Chris Kyle’s height is 1.88 m. Jocko Willink’s height is 1.8 m., and David Goggin’s height is 1.85 m.

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Who Is The Shortest Navy SEAL?

Harry Beal was the shortest Navy SEAL of all time. He was only 5 feet or 1.52 meters tall.

Harry Beal was also the first United States Navy SEAL. Harry Beal was born on August 16, 1930, and died on January 26, 2021.

He is a respected person in the nation for his journey and inspiration.

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Can 5 Feet 7 Inches Become A Navy SEAL?

If you are 5 feet 7 inches, you can become a Navy SEAL Team member because the United States Navy SEAL does not have any minimum standard for height.

Since Navy SEALs do not follow any maximum or minimum standard for height to join new Navy SEAL members, people of any height can attend BUD/S training to become Navy SEALs.

Similarly, if you are over 6 feet 2 inches or 6 feet 5 inches, you are also welcome to be a Navy SEAL.

So, your height is not the matter to become a Navy SEAL; your physical tolerance matters the most.

Conclusion – Average Navy SEAL Height

The average Navy SEAL height is 5 feet 11 inches. But, the most famous Navy SEAL’s height is over 6 feet.

To become a Navy SEAL, height is not the main concern; physical strength and mental toughness are necessary.

There are many U.S. Navy SEALs who are only 5 feet 7 inches or 170 cm.

People of 5 feet 9 inches get a huge advantage during BUD/S training in terms of strength and movement. That’s why this is the ideal height for Navy SEALs.

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